Donna M. Eubanks, DVM (2/1/1955 - 4/2/2013) At 10:25pm on April the 2nd, Donna M. Eubanks peacefully left this world behind with her Father's open arms awaiting her. With her two sons', Eric and Brandon Seerup, along with her sister Lawana Eubanks Sanford by her side, she was surrounded with love and comfort as she passed away at Pioneer Valley Hospital in West Valley City, UT. Donna was born February 1st, 1955 in Wilson, North Carolina. In life she was an amazing woman with a full life of endeavors. She was a loving, supportive Mother, Sister and Aunt. She was a friend to any who needed her help. She journeyed the world, from her mission for the LDS Church to Quito, Ecuador to her travels in Mexico and Africa. She was an accomplished veterinarian and worked often with animal shelters and programs to help homeless pets. She is survived by her two beloved sons' Eric Seerup and Brandon Seerup, as well as her many loving siblings; Pauline Eubanks Rickett, Maria Eubanks, Lisa Eubanks Reeves, Duane Eubanks, Jennifer Eubanks, Lawana Eubanks Sanford. Donna's wishes were to be cremated and put to rest on Myrtle Beach, NC. There will be a service held on April 6th at 3pm at 2811 South 6400 West, West Valley City where all those wishing to pay respects can do so. Memorial Contributions can be made to the Humane Society in lieu of flowers.