Helen Ostler Nelson, 93, passed away on Tuesday, August 11, 2009. She was born July 19, 1916 in Springville, UT and was the middle child of Arthur Ostler and Amy Elizebeth McKee's 8 children. She married Kennth Walch Nelson in 1933 and had 6 children. She also raised 2 of her grandchildren, who affectionately refer to her as "Mom." Also in later years she married Walter Griggs. Helen was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and was passionate about serving in the Temple. Later in life she served an honorable mission at the Chicago Temple as a full time temple worker. She always kept busy with her family, friends, and many hobbies: crocheting, quilting, poetry and jewelry making, to name a few. Helen is survived by her children, LaDawn (Nelson) Rigley, Jerold Nelson, Carla (Nelson) Messervy, Kennth Baschke and Janet (Baschke) Rose and their spouses, 18 grandchildren , 36 great grandchildren and 31 great great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband Kenneth and children Genevieve, Kenneth Jack, and Betty A. (Baschke).
Helen was a caring and loving mom and will be missed by all that knew her.
Funeral service will be held at 12 pm Sat. Aug 15, 2009 at the LDS Alta View Ward on 8600 S. 1500 E. Sandy UT. A viewing will be held Friday evening from 6 to8 pm and Sat. from 11 to 11:45 am at the same location. Interment will be in the Spanish Fork cemetery.
Below are some of mom's poems.
I Need a Rest By Helen Nelson
I've climbed the mountains, I've walked the seashore, I need a rest. When said, give all you have, come follow me, I will walk in his footsteps to eternity, I need a rest. I've climbed the mountains; I've stumbled along the way, I fell on the seashore; the road was hard to obey, I fell time and time again, Christ picked me up and said, come follow me, I need a rest. The journey was hard, but good for me, I will follow him to eternity, I get slower and slower along life's fast pace, But Christ is there to lean on, I need a rest.
Through the Rainbow By Helen Nelson
I walked through the rainbow with you. We wished all our dreams would come true. I found the pot gold, buried deep in your heart, For it is filled with your sweet smile, your gentle ways, That will be with me for all of my days, For I walked through the rainbow with you. I'll hold your hand close in mine, as I travel the pages of time, For your sweet smile, your gentle ways will be with me all of my days. I walked through the rainbow with you.
Prayer By Helen Nelson
When I was a real small child, and whined an cried for things, And my mother punished me, a tantrum I would fling. When my little heart was through breaking, I would throw my arms around her and say, Please dear mother, forgive me, I will disobey no more. And as I grew I watched her, her graceful ways, her tender smile And I heard her pray to you, for guidance and understanding, That what she did or say would comfort me while growing and grieving. And now I am grown, and have children of my own, I kneel on bended knee, as ask dear God, that I may have wisdom and understanding.
There is a Home By Helen Nelson
There is a home, here on earth, The church of God it's called. It's filled with love and devotion, And friends that make the wheel of life more sound. They help each other find the way to happiness and success. So when trials and troubles come your way, Remember home is best. Enter the large door in front, Have a prayer in your heart all the way, And God will great you with open arms. Your cares will soon fade away, Your friends are there, your neighbors too. You learn to love them, as they love you. Their kind thoughts do much for us, Because we're all on in the house of the Lord.
My Dolls By Helen Nelson
I sit alone in a chair in my home, Crocheting dolls for my kids. Each stitch that I take, I see a smile on their face, And hear them say, Mother cared. And my mind wanders back the day of their birth, When I held my babes in my arms. No doll on earth could be so sweet, As my doll babies here on earth. And I made vow, somewhere, somehow, I would teach them the right way to live. So happy they'd be as they traveled life's road, and back to eternity. But somewhere along the road, I stumbled and few, and my teaching went astray. They all have families of their own, And I pray here at home the dolls in their arms won't go astray. And I love that I crochet, In each stitch of yarn, will tell of my love, And some day they will know, I tried to teach them the right way.