Lorin Stott, beloved husband, father and grandfather tragically passed away September 6, 2008 of congestive heart failure. Born Nov. 15, 1952 in San Rafael, Calif. to Willard and Evelyn Partridge Stott. Married Janene Sorenson on April 8, 1977 in the Manti LDS Temple .
Lorin worked hard every day up to the last moments of his life and is now working hard in God's kingdom.
Lorin is survived by his wife Janene Stott, son Jason ( Elizabeth ) Stott, daughters: Elizabeth (Thomas) Haroldsen, Laura, Marianne, and Kirsten Stott. He is also survived by his father Willard Stott and grandson Conner Haroldsen and his seven siblings.
Funeral services will be Thur. Sept. 11, 2008 at 12 Noon in the Ivins LDS Ward Chapel, 1860 S. 300 E. Friends may visit with the family at the ward chapel on Wed. from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and Thurs. one hour prior to the services. In lieu of flowers please send donations to any Granite Credit Union on behalf of Janene Stott, or in person.