On November 6, 2008, surrounded by his wife and children, Louis W. Pollister - beloved husband, father and grandfather - left this mortal existence after fulfilling a successful and honorable life. Louis is survived by his eternal companion, Yoshiko (after 50 faithful years), and by six of his seven children, their spouses and 27 grandchildren. Lou is also survived by his younger sisters, Edith, Carol, Lillian and brother, Boyd. He was born January 16, 1935. Originally of Lynn, Massachusetts, Lou served his country for 30 years in the US Air Force - retiring with the rank of chief master sergeant. He and his wife also served the Lord in the Japan Fukuoka Mission (Okinawa), Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is a Brigham Young University alumnus and worked following military retirement for 20 years at BYU. Graveside services will be Monday, November 10th at the Orem City Cemetery.