Beloved mother, Moevanu Fonoti Toa, 81, of Layton, Utah peacefully passed away in her sleep on Friday, June 13, 2014. She was born in Lauli'i, Samoa to Mika Fonoti-Satele and Valila Su'a on June 26, 1932. Sister Toa is the 4th of 8 children: adopted brothers Fauono and Avefua, her sister Ponaiavo and 4 brothers, Letane, Ualapa, Mika and I'avata. She has 5 children, 22 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren. She is preceded in death by her husband Ripine Vagai'a Toa, her daughter Leafa Ta'ase and her grandson Elder Miller Toa. The work ethic and faith of her pioneer background as a direct descendant of Saimasina Su'apa'ia Tuipelehake, one of the founders of the village of Sauniatu (a gathering place for early Samoan Latter Day Saints) influenced her life of service. In her younger years, she served missionaries at the mission home in Samoa and met a handsome young man there, her eventual beau Ripine Saupo Eteuati Vagai'a Toa. They would meet again in America where they married in the Los Angeles LDS temple on November 11, 1960 and raised their family in Carson CA. Special service will be held on Tuesday, June 17th at 6:00 pm at the LDS Church, 1402 N. Fort Lane, Layton UT. The next day, Wednesday, June 18th is an Open House at the Toa home, also in Layton. Sereni Care Funeral Home will handle funeral arrangements. Funeral service will be held in California on Friday, June 20th at 11:00 am at the LDS church, 22721 Main Street, Carson, CA. Burial will be at Green Hills Cemetery, 27501 S. Western Ave, Rancho Palos Verdes CA.