Norma Ilhia Campos Hernandez, a strong and capable woman born on July 11, 1978 in the City of Mexico where she grew up being surrounded by family and friends. Her time on earth was a fleeting wave of emotions where she would face trials but also embrace others in her loving spirit. She married Antonio Ortega where they would have two children, Luis Antonio Ortega and Yessica Itzel Ortega, but after they grew up more my mother divorced. She was the daughter of Juan Enrique Campos Vilchis and Liboria Maria Luisa Hernandez Oliva, she learned and took after them, but as she lived and traveled to a place away from her hometown, she began to mold herself and take on great attributes. When I think of my mother, the words that come to mind are many. She was brave, giving, beautiful, capable of making you laugh, independent, cheerful, intelligent, creative, and a woman with a huge heart for her friends and family.
Throughout her childhood, Norma Campos was surrounded by a huge family that would hold gatherings for big events, but when she immigrated to the United States of America, her life took a turn for better and worse. Her contact with her family became limited but she stayed strong even with the loss of that connection. She lived in California for a few years where she would begin to learn English and become accustomed with the area. My mother however moved to Kearns Utah because she knew that if she wanted a family, it would need to be in a place she felt was secure. She took so much pride in the house she molded for her two children, her smile would light up so much that she would burst into laughter, and when she couldn't stop laughing she always turned to her children to embrace them with her warm and gentle heart full of care and comfort. Norma Campos held so much love for her family, but she knew that love alone was not going to provide for her family. As her sense of independence grew she sought out a job that would last her a lifetime, and in that journey, she succeeded greatly.
Her life in Target brought on a new experience for everyone no one was ready for. As she started to get to know everyone and learn new things, she became a strong leader people would call out for. Through the 15 years she worked at Target, her schedule grew heavier, Norma Campos became more skilled in her job and was known to be reliable among her peers. Although she would always be busy with her tasks, she never failed to answer people when they needed help. Norma Campos became devoted to her family and job, but also desired to further her knowledge by continuing her education. She got her GED in Mexico and expanded her knowledge as a computer technician, but when she arrived in the United States and looked at new possibilities, she took advantage of her education and took some college courses through Pathway. She lived to become a strong idol and a wonderful mother figure in hopes to influence others and her children to go beyond what life could give you. With time passing by, she later converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where she served others and found another place she could call home.
Norma Campos was exposed to many religions growing up, but after taking several moments to herself, her heart and spirit knew she should continue her service by joining the church. She was given several callings throughout the years, Relief society president, Young Women’s President and a Young Womens Counselor. With every calling given to her, she gave her heart out to those who were in need or loved because she was always a cheerful person who expressed love to everyone she knew. She left and created many memories with people that will never be forgotten. Many might call her hilarious but I would add that she was a mighty soul with a passion for making people happy by always reaching out to others and impacting their lives for the better. A true gift to those who knew her.
The life she lived with her family was beautiful, she raised two children where memories would be made and cherished. She got to experience marvelous moments with her granddaughter, always taking pictures and reciprocating the same love she would give to others. As she lived with Maya, she continued to teach her things and embrace her with her love. Mornings for Norma Campos was a spectacular sight. Everyday in her home life she would be found crocheting or cooking delicious meals. Her form of expressing herself to others was to sing loud and angelically, being around her would always bring a sense of comfort and security. Through her trails in life, Norma Campos became a woman of heart and dedication. Dedication to preserve the best for her family by teaching them how to stand with strong virtues and values. Dedication to serve others and one's own self by always working hard and knowing that failure was good. Dedication to always stand proud and treat others with respect. Her time on Earth was a short and meaningful one, she passed away November 5, 2022. Her memory will always be kept alive in my heart and the hearts of all those she touched and moved. We love you and hope to be guided by your words and spirit in the decisions we make, one day returning with you and our Heavenly Father. Te Queremos Mucho Ama, Cuidate.
Services for Norma will be held on Friday November 18th, at 12:00 p.m. at the Kearns 10th Ward building 5025 west 4865 south Kearns UT 84118. A viewing will be held prior to the funeral service from 10:00 - 11:45 a.m.
Norma’s family would like to thank all those that have given so generously at this time of great need. Thank you also to SereniCare for the service and care they have given.
Norma's Funeral service can be viewed on the following link: