Ralph Lowell Orton, beloved by his family, died peacefully at home on May 29th, 2009. He was born January 3, 1920 in Clifton, Idaho, the third of nine children of Thomas and Weltha Orton. He served as an officer in the army during World War II (including the Battle of the Bulge), receiving three bronze stars. He returned to Salt Lake City to complete his accounting degree at the University of Utah where he met and married his sweetheart, Barbara Pedersen, in the Salt Lake LDS Temple in 1948. After retiring from his career as an owner and manager of State Hardware, later named Pedersen's Ski and Sport, he and his wife served a mission at the LDS Visitor's Center in Independence, Missouri. He is survived by his wife Barbara, his brothers Dean and Sheldon, his sons Kim (Linda,) Kevin, Randy (Sherri,) Don (Shawn,) Dale, and Alan (Kelli,) fifteen grand children and seven great grandchildren. We will miss his patient, kind and gentle spirit. Funeral services will be held at 11:30 Saturday, June 6, 2009 at the Union Fort 4th Ward on 6710 S 1300 East in Midvale, preceded by a viewing at 10:00. An interment with military honors will follow at Bountiful City Cemetary, 2224 S 200 West Bountiful, Utah.