Robert (Bob) Clifford McHenry passed away peacefully, surrounded by loving family, into the arms of his Heavenly Father on Tuesday, September 7th, 2010 at 9:07a.m. MDT. Bob was born on March 3, 1925 and grew up in the Kansas City Missouri area. As an adult, he lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and was a long time resident there. In 1994 he moved to Liberty, Missouri and there remained until the last week of his life. Bob was preceded in death by his father, Floyd Thompson McHenry, his mother Edna May Wolfe, his sisters Evelyn and Margaret, and his brothers Kenneth Ray and Floyd Thompson Jr.. He is survived by his loving wife Bettye and his children David and Samantha McHenry of Kearney, Mo., LeAnne and Kregg DeLange of Oregon, Kenneth and Esther McHenry of Texas, David and Rebecca Blair of Washington, Kathy and Carl Pearson of Utah, Scott and Evi McHenry of Modesto, Ca., Robert Jr McHenry of Livermore, Ca., John and Stacy McHenry of Utah, as well as many grandchildren and great grandchildren all treasured and loved by Bob. They are joined by the many other family members and friends he so dearly loved. We have all been blessed to have known him and he will be deeply missed by us all. Bob will be laid to rest at Camp Williams military cemetery, Salt Lake City, Utah on September 15, 2010.
Dad's Eulogy
Robert McHenry was born to loving parents of average means in Kansas City Missouri. He passed away last week one of the wealthiest men I've known or heard of. A wealth not measured in dollars or material possessions - these things can't last. My father's wealth is measured in his legacy. The example he set for his children and grandchildren will go on long after his body leaves. The principles and teachings he has passed on to his family will echo in eternity. I know that you are reaping the rewards you have sown father. Rest well. We love you.