Russell Raymond Ockey, 47, was brought into our world on March 5, 1962 and was reunited with his Father Jack Raymond Ockey on September 26, 2009. Russell married Lorrie Dunbar and was later separated. Russell is survived by his mother, Marlene Ockey; brothers, Ryan and BJ; four children, Zachery Ulland, Ashley Fisher, Candyce Ockey and Cyana Ockey; three grandchildren, Kyrie, Janaca and Vallon; and many other extremely supportive family and friends. His long battle of multiple health problems has come too an end and he may rest in peace. "You will be forever missed and never forgotten". Memorial services will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 1, 2009 at 439 E. Winchester St. Murray, UT 84107.