Wendy Kimball Mack, 32, beloved wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend returned to her Father in Heaven on April 30, 2011. On May 2, 2011, Wendy was reunited with her beautiful newborn daughter, Maylee Wendy Mack in a Heavenly embrace. Wendy was born November 14, 1978 in Salt Lake City, Utah to Lee and Karen Kimball. She faithfully served an LDS mission to the Arizona Tucson Spanish speaking mission. On August 2, 2003 she married her loving husband Denny Mack in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Wendy graduated from American Fork High School and received degrees from Snow College and Utah Valley University. She worked as a Registered Nurse at Primary Children's Hospital and Timpanogos Hospital. Wendy was most recently employed at Riverton Hospital as a Labor and Delivery nurse. She will be dearly missed by her husband, Denny Mack, children Dallin (6), Kenna (4) and Evan (2). Wendy was very close to her six siblings, Laura Baskett (Scott), Julie Dunkley (Sean), Nathan Kimball (Brooke), Brian Kimball (Suni), David Kimball (Marianne) and Danny Kimball (Heather). Wendy loved her abundantly large family that included numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. Wendy understood completely that people are most important and her spirit of service was her greatest passion. She loved being a wife, mother and a devoted disciple of Christ. Wendy's heart led her to a career in nursing and she affected many lives through her healing touch, compassionate spirit and contagious smile. As an angel on earth, Wendy was a shining inspiration who embraced a life full of gratitude and joy while radiating love to everyone who knew her. We know she is continuing her angelic mission as we all move forward. A funeral service will be held at 11:00 am on Friday, May 6, 2011 at the Highland Utah Stake Building, 5335 West 11200 North, Highland, Utah. Wendy's family will meet with friends on Thursday evening, May 5 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm and on Friday morning, May 6 from 9:00 - 10:30 am. Burial service will be at the Highland Cemetery. To share in Wendy's family blog, go to www.dennyandwendy.blogspot.com.