Grief Resources

Serenicare can provide individual and family support. Our staff of life coaches and family grief counselors are available for a single session or extended services for you and your family.

Some families facing the end of life events choose to work with one of our life coaches and financial managers to assist in the difficult transitions of care. From assisting living facilities to hospice care we cover pre and post-care. At Serenicare, we’re dedicated to helping you navigate this unfamiliar time in life Meet one of our Life Coaching members:

headshot of Melinda Welch

Melinda Welch

Melinda is a certified Life Coach who has embraced hard times to help others battle, sadness, depression, and loss. Melinda’s insights originate in love for a living, through personalized coaching she helps individuals realize there is happiness in adversity, and that adversity can be a solid foundation for healing. Using years of training and observation. Melinda has a set of refined coach skills to help redirect grief into positive energy and outcome. She and her services are here to assist Serenicare clients, families, and caregivers understand how to effectively process loss, create healthy goodbyes and rekindle joy.

Other resources include:

Serenicare’s BluNovus hotline.

Serenicare provides totally private 24/7 access to our Care Center with the BluNovus Network. Individuals can use this service at any time, day or night. Our team is there to listen to understand your loss, process feelings, decompress from the stress of your loss, and help you receive support, This service is available 7 days a week and with complete privacy. Should you wish to seek a higher level of care. Our BluNovus team will help to find an emotional health provider that fits your specific needs.

Individual counseling, local grief support groups, and online websites may help in working through your grief.

GriefShare is a nationwide network of groups of people who meet weekly to share and support each other during the grief recovery process. Visit to find a support group near you.

Online resources include discussion forums, educational tools, and a community for people who are dealing with grief. You may find one or more of the following websites to be helpful:
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