My nephew Preston died by suicide two weeks ago. It’s been a very sad time for my family, one full of anguish and grief. We have shed many tears, and I know there will be more to come.
My sister says she is having good days and bad days. Days when grief hits so hard it takes her to her knees again and again. But she’s working on reframing her “bad” days into necessary days. I remind her this is all part of the process.
I remember when I was having my babies, I felt a contraction coming and I would just breathe through it. The contraction was so painful but it was part of the process of getting my beautiful babies here. I didn’t fight against the reality of it. I just felt all of the pain of it, breathed, accepted, and watched the wave of pain come and then subside. I never thought, “Nope, this shouldn’t be happening.”
Grief hits the same way. It’s a feeling wave and it’s good to remember it’s all part of the process and it can’t hurt you.
Feelings are just vibrations in your body. And your body is equipped to handle any emotion.
So instead of saying, “Nope, this shouldn’t be happening,” drop the resistance to the grief.
Allow it.
Love yourself through it.
When grief comes there is no need to be mad at yourself or consider it a “bad” day, moment, or hour.
Grief is the price of loving someone so much.
Take care,
P.S. If you need help in any of your relationships, reach out., or text or email me.